We will have afternoon meetings beginning May 2!
You are welcomed to attend the afternoon or the evening meetings, or all of the meetings. The agendas will pretty much follow the same schedule: discussion of current events in the publishing house, and then sharing about 1,000 words of our current work in progress to be critiqued by our peers, discuss issues, concerns, or celebrations about the publishing world, and hopefully special speakers who will add to our knowledge of what we love to do.
You must register for the afternoon meetings only once, and then you may attend any/all of them for the next ten meetings. This is a separate registration from our evening meetings, so if you are planning to attend both, please register for both meetings.
Please invite other writers to attend these meetings; one does not have to be contracted with ShelteringTree.Earth to attend.
Here is the link for the afternoon meetings:
Evelyn Rainey
Publisher and Facilitator
We will have afternoon meetings beginning May 2!
You are welcomed to attend the afternoon or the evening meetings, or all of the meetings. The agendas will pretty much follow the same schedule: discussion of current events in the publishing house, and then sharing about 1,000 words of our current work in progress to be critiqued by our peers, discuss issues, concerns, or celebrations about the publishing world, and hopefully special speakers who will add to our knowledge of what we love to do.
You must register for the afternoon meetings only once, and then you may attend any/all of them for the next ten meetings. This is a separate registration from our evening meetings, so if you are planning to attend both, please register for both meetings.
Please invite other writers to attend these meetings; one does not have to be contracted with ShelteringTree.Earth to attend.
Here is the link for the afternoon meetings:
Evelyn Rainey
Publisher and Facilitator