Evelyn Rainey, CEO

Founder and chief visionary. American author, publisher, educator, and minister, Evelyn loves to help people experience the joy of being published. 

Mark Jaskolka, Book Coach

Technology Executive. Mark is known for leadership, innovation, program design and initiation, team building, and collaboration.

Daniel LeBoeuf, Book Coach

Daniel has an incredible, instinctive ability to coach writers from rough drafts to best-selling novels.

Kimberly Coffin, Book Coach

Kimberly has decades of experience in education with majors in English and Drama. She can critique your grammar and help it come to life.

April Mae M. Berza, Translator

Published poet, April translates our books into French and Tagalog. 

April Mae M. Berza is the author of Confession ng isang Bob Ong Fan (Flipside, 2014) and Berso de Berza (Charging Ram, 2012.) Her poems and short stories appeared in numerous publications in America, France, Canada, Belgium, Romania, India, Japan, Great Britain, and the Philippines. Her poems are translated into Crimean Tatar and Filipino. Some of her poems are published in the Philippines Graphic Reader, Liwayway, Belleville Park Pages, Haiku Journal, The Siren, Poetica, Three Line Poetry, Calliope, Maganda, Metric Conversions, Ani, The Manila Times, Letters to my Bully, Remembering Rizal, Voices from the Diaspora, Madswirl, The Stardust Gazette, The Riveter Review, Asahi Haikuist Network, Contemporary Verse 2, and elsewhere. She used to work for the associate editor position of Toe Good. Her poem "E-Martial Law" was broadcast on IndoPacific Radio on KPFA 94.1FM and her poem "A Page from History" was broadcast on WYCE Electric Poetry 88.1 FM in Michigan, USA. She is a member of the Poetic Genius Society. Her two haiku entries were featured in the 9th Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum English Haiku Contest Selected Haiku Submissions Collection, July 2017. She was nominated for the Nick Joaquin Literary Awards 2023. Also, she got invited to submit her life story to the Ellen DeGeneres show last 2012. She received an Honorable Mention in the 19th HIA Haiku Contest and the 7th Akita Russia-Japan Haiku Contest. She currently resides in Taguig, Philippines.

August Isley, Translator

August Isley (Auggie to a very special few) loves to write reviews of various things that he finds interesting or useful, such as books, products, games, and charities. He likes to share his honest opinions and recommendations with his readers and hopes to inspire them to try new things or support good causes. Ever since he was a kid, he loved reading books of all kinds - fiction, nonfiction, poetry - you name it. But not just any books. He has a special fondness for quirky authors who write from their hearts and souls, who are not afraid to be different and original, who have something to say that no one else has said before. 

Raised by his great-aunt  Rynagh and her Anim kara Euphemia  in Ireland during the 1980's and 90's, August was immersed in all things Gaelic. 

Is breá le August Isley (Auggie le cúpla ceann an-speisialta) léirmheasanna a scríobh ar rudaí éagsúla a fhaigheann sé suimiúil nó úsáideach, mar shampla leabhair, táirgí, cluichí, agus carthanais. Is maith leis a chuid tuairimí agus moltaí macánta a roinnt lena léitheoirí agus tá súil aige iad a spreagadh chun rudaí nua a thriail nó tacú le cúiseanna maithe. Riamh ó bhí sé ina pháiste, ba bhreá leis leabhair de gach cineál a léamh - ficsean, nonfiction, filíocht - ainmníonn tú é. Ach ní leabhair ar bith amháin. Tá fondness speisialta aige d'údair quirky a scríobhann as a gcroí agus a n-anamacha, nach bhfuil eagla orthu a bheith difriúil agus bunaidh, a bhfuil rud éigin le rá acu nach bhfuil aon duine eile ráite roimhe seo.  

Tógadh é ag a shin-aintín Rynagh agus a Anim kara Euphemia in Éirinn le linn na 1980idí agus na 90idí, bhí Lúnasa tumtha i ngach rud Gaelach. 

Melanie Thizy, Translator

Melanie Thizy is a translator with a passion for bringing children's books to life through her work. Born and raised in Montbrison, France, Melanie developed a love of language and literature at an early age. After coming to the United States as an Au Pair 8 years ago, Melanie has immersed herself in American culture while continuing to cultivate her appreciation for the diverse cultures and languages of the world. Through her work as a translator, Melanie strives to share the beauty of storytelling with young readers everywhere, making literature accessible and engaging for children of all backgrounds. 

Mélanie Thizy est une traductrice passionnée par les livres pour enfants. Originaire de Montbrison, en France, Mélanie a développé une passion pour les langues et la littérature dès son plus jeune âge. Arrivée aux États-Unis comme fille au pair il y a 8 ans, Mélanie s'est immergée dans la culture américaine tout en continuant à cultiver son appréciation pour les différentes cultures et langues du monde. Grâce à son travail de traductrice, Mélanie s'efforce de faire partager la beauté et richesse des histoires aux jeunes lecteurs du monde entier, en rendant la littérature accessible et captivante pour les enfants de tous les milieux.


Gabriela Villarreal, Translator

Gabriela translates our books into Spanish. 

Gabriela was raised in Guatemala City and moved to Austin, TX when she was 17 years old. She has been surrounded by both languages her whole life so the transition from one to another is completely automatic by now. She is a new translator who loves being able to share these stories in her native tongue. She is passionate about kids’ literature and how their little brains are influenced by it.  When she’s not being a wife and a mom, she enjoys spending time outside.

Gabriela se crió en la Ciudad de Guatemala y se mudo a Austin, TX cuando tenía 17 años. Siempre ha estado rodeada por los dos idiomas así que la transición de un idioma a otro, es automática. Ella es una nueva traductora y ama que puede compartir estas historias en su lengua natal. La literatura infantil le apasiona ya que moldea las mentes de los chiquitos. Cuando no está haciendo los papeles de esposa o madre, ella puede ser encontrada afuera disfrutando de alguna actividad.