Weekly Podcast
Your book has been published and now you want to hit the road and set up book signing events everywhere. This episode looks at how to schedule not only the events, but everything that you need for these events, including whether or not to bring a companion with you.
Weekly Podcast
Join us each week to discuss specific aspects of the publishing world. If you are a published author or a hopeful writer, you will find helpful information here.
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Hosted on Spotify, which has over 10 million subscribers!
One 45-second Audio Clip
- One ad spot $30.00
- Two ad spots $60.00
- Three ad spots $90.00
4+ 45-second Audio Clips
- 4 ad spots of same clip $100
- 4 ad spots of different clips $110
- Each additional ad spot $20.00
The advertiser must provide ShelteringTree.Earth, LLC an audio MP3 file of 45-second duration. No profanity, graphic, or inappropriate language will be tolerated.
The advertisement must involve a product or service related to publishing (newly published books, editing services, writer groups, book signing events, traditional or small press publisher in search of new author submissions, etc.) and must not violate any copyright laws or infringe on the intellectual properties of others. Background music must be licensed.
Payment for the advertisements must be in the form of check or money order mailed to the address below. Credit Cards are acceptable but must include a 3% service fee. Arrangements for credit card payments must be made through Zoom as coordinated by Evelyn Rainey. Any/all fees must clear the bank in full before the advertisement is posted.
Evelyn Rainey, as creator, narrator, and director of the podcast, reserves the right to decline any advertisements submitted to her.
Advertisements will be posted in the next available spot from the time of purchase, and the advertiser will be advised of the pod date and episode.
Evelyn Rainey will not be held accountable for improperly rendered audio clips that are submitted to her but is willing to work with advertisers to improve quality of the ad if necessary.
Books which were self-published or printed through a vanity press (any press which charged the author a fee for publication or services) or publishing entities which can be identified as a vanity or co-author press will not be advertised through this podcast.
If an author or publisher submits a clip and fee and are later identified as self-published, vanity, or co-author in nature, the fee will be forfeit and the clip destroyed.